
Safety Differently

Questions for your next Tool Box or Health & Safety meeting

  • Describe a time in the last month that communication regarding Health and Safety went well
  • Describe a time in the last month that communication regarding Health and Safety did not go well.
Plant & Equipment
  • Describe a time that the preplanning for a task has resulted in inadequate plant, equipment and tools?
  • Describe a time that the correct tools, plant, equipment and facilities were not available on a job as required?

Summarise any incidents that would be considered significant (either did or had the potential to result in injury, property damage, environmental damage).

Hazardous Substances

Describe a time Hazardous Substances affected people’s ability to work effectively or safely.

Policies & Procedures
  • Describe any Policies and Procedures that make the job more difficult and have a negative impact on Safety.
  • Describe any Policies and Procedures that help the job run well and have a positive impact on Safety.
Working Environment
  • Describe a time when a poor working environment had an impact on health and safety.
  • Describe a time when a good working environment improved health and safety.
  • Describe a time poor risk management created an unsafe working environment.
  • Describe a time good risk management created a safe working environment.
  • When is a time you did not have enough time, and had to take a short-cut?
  • Describe a time everything just went well.  What was different on this day?