Health and Safety
Health & Safety is all about people.
Thinking about safety differently means businesses view three key areas differently
How safety is defined
The role of people
The focus of the business
Measuring safety is about the capacity of things to go right – not always looking at what goes wrong!
We work with you to change and improve your focus using a footsteps approach to getting it right. We look at the key issues and then confirm outcomes and objectives for your Business.

Focus on the job
PeopleSafe keeps your focus on the job and not the paperwork. All your people are able to log in, share stories and connect. Everybody is working together.
Real easy to get your team involved
Your team can download the mobile app – safety in your pocket! Reporting, safety plans and emergency plans readily accessible.
Manage real world risks
Keep focused on the big stuff that is most likely to hurt people. It’s the basics that make work safer. By keeping things simple you can take action around the issues that matter.

Assess, Improve, Monitor
Assess, improve & monitor your organisations health, safety & well-being capability, culture, performance and engagement. Safer workforce. Better business.
First step is to get All About People to help you complete your initial assessment, from here we will help you to identify gaps and help you to improve your health and safety status.
Continuous Improvement
Health & safety is a series of footsteps towards continuous improvement. Businesses need an ongoing reference point to assist with this dynamic element of business.

SafePlus is a joint initiative developed by WorkSafe New Zealand, ACC and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
It defines what good health and safety looks like, above minimum legal compliance. This is a performance improvement initiative that is not a traditional compliance audit type product
Craig Macdonald is a SafePlus Accredited Assessor and can provide advice on how to improve with tailored recommendations.
Fire & Emergency Management
All About People provide tailored and practical Emergency Management and Fire Safety solutions.
We can help you with Evacuation Procedures, Evacuation Schemes, Fire Warden Training, Trial Evacuations, Lockdowns and advice on other potential emergencies.
Our team are Fire and Emergency New Zealand trained personnel. Ask us about running scenarios to suit!
Emergency Flip Charts
Our Emergency Flip Charts can be customised for your business with your logo and brand colours. These Flip Charts are laminated, spiral bound and designed to hang on the wall at key locations. For more information.
Emergency Management deals with the processes used to protect the critical assets (including people) of the organisation from unforeseen events such as earthquakes, fire and gas leaks to ensure the continuance of the organisation within its planned lifetime.
From assessing the risk of a potential emergency in the workplace, to planning how to manage an incident, All About People can advise you on the process on how to develop plans as well as provide procedures and training for your people.
Schools are an important hub in the community where our children learn and thrive and need to be protected.
From Evacuation Schemes and Warden Training to running Trial Evacuations, Lockdowns, and Earthquake Drills we work with Boards of Trustees, Senior Leadership teams and staff to develop and tailor solutions to ensure the school meets its legislative obligations and most importantly keep your people safe.
Fire Warden Training
Our training gives you an introduction to fire science, legislation, fire detection and alarms installed in your building, roles and responsibilities of Wardens, and an overview of the use of extinguishers and hose reels.
Fire Safety Management
All About People are experts in Fire Safety and Fire Risk Management. Every building must have either an Evacuation Procedure or an Evacuation Scheme. We will develop and submit Evacuation Schemes to Fire and Emergency New Zealand on your behalf and our tailored packages can include Fire Warden Training, Trial Evacuations, Warden ID vests and more.
Our Emergency Management Specialists will work with you to give you confidence that you have everything in place to stay safe in the event of a fire.
All About People will work with you to develop Procedures and Plans for carrying out Lockdowns for your Business or School.
We follow NZ Police Guidelines as well as MOE ones where applicable.
Talk to us about Lockdown Drills which we follow up with a report.

Investing in health and safety training helps you to keep your people safe and engaged.
We specialise in providing health, safety and well-being training as well as Fire and Emergency training solutions that are specific to your organisation. Our clients’ feedback has been consistently positive in terms of the way we deliver the workshops and coaching, and how it is received. Your learning will be fun, informative and motivational, and some can be done remotely.
You may be eligible for Funding through either Regional Business Partners Network (NZTE) or ACC – see below or contact us for more information.
Customised In House Training
The team at All About People specialise in the delivery of high impact, customised health and safety training solutions for organisations that value having a safe and healthy working environment, thereby reducing the risk of injury to their people, contractors and the public.
Our culture of safety approach means that we do not have a one size fits all solution. Instead, we work with you to strengthen the areas that you need most when reducing the risk of injury to your employees and providing ultimate peace of mind.
Funded Training Options
In some cases there may be opportunities for the co-funding of your training costs through the Regional Business Partners Network (NZTE).
Small and medium sized businesses can qualify for vouchers to help pay for services such as workshops, courses and coaching (including remote video training), that deliver significant benefit for the company and for the wider New Zealand economy. All About People provides services that are registered for Regional Business Partners Network (NZTE) Management Capability Development vouchers scheme. Approved businesses may receive a voucher for up to 50% of the total workshop cost.